
Showing posts from March, 2006

Lenten Sermon Series

Our 4th Year Preaching Workshop Class got a rare opportunity this year for 7 of us to write sermons for a Lenten Sermon Series commemorating the 100th year since Dietrich Bonhoeffer's birth. The sermons are not about Bonhoeffer, but are intended to utilize a short reading or poem of his, written while in prison, to help formulate some ideas while preaching on a specific text of Scripture. I contributed the last in the series, the Good Friday sermon, based on a short piece Bonhoeffer wrote called "Outline for a book." My sermon, as well as those of my classmates can be read at the website for Goettinger Predigten a preaching resources website from the University of Goettingen in Germany. To find the sermons, click "current sermons" then on the right column click 2006 Lenten Sermon Series, then they are listed along the right side. It was an interesting opportunity for me, because up until know I have known little about Bonhoeffer beyond the basic story of his d...