Sermon on 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a, for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, "One Body, Many Members, One Spirit"
Sermon Outline: · Paul uses a vivid image to describe the church of Christ—one body, many members · Begins with objective reality: In One Spirit, all baptized into one body. Our entrance, identity, incorporation. · Illustrates the way we function together, on the one hand, how certain sins particular to the Christian body show themselves; on the other hand, what the body of Christ looks like at its best, as God intended. · Starting on the negative side—individualistic tendencies, rejection of our place in the body. Some today would use the language of self-esteem—but Scripture’s advice to us is not to think more of ourselves, but “not to think more highly of yourself than you ought to think.” Humility encourages us not to boast of ourselves. There is a “low thinking” that is ...