A Hymn on the Ten Commandments
Note: I recently composed this paraphrase of Luther's Small Catechism on the explanation of the Ten Commandments. Since it's 12 verses, it may be useful, for example, to sing a verse or two related to the commandment on which you are teaching, and then sing verses 10-12 as a conclusion, setting the commandments in the wider context of salvation theology and the rest of Scripture, leading us to Christ as our only Savior. Coming up in the 1 Year Lectionary, the Sixth Sunday after Trinity falls on July 23, 2017, and the Old Testament reading is the Ten Commandments from Exodus 20:1-17. If there is any feedback on the wording, this is a working draft, but I present it if it may be of service to the church. God's blessings! The Ten Commandments Hymn Text: paraphrase of the Small Catechism by Joshua V. Schneider Meter: 87 87 D Suggested Tune: Joyous Light, LSB 932 1. God the Lord brought you from Egypt From the land of slavery Him alone you then must worship...