Bonhoeffer Quotes

I recently came across two great little quotes from Dietrich Bonhoeffer that really struck me:

"A pastor should not complain about his congregation, certainly never to other people, but also not to God. A congregation has not been entrusted to him in order that he should become its accuser before God and men.”


“One cannot understand and preach the gospel tangibly enough. A truly evangelical sermon must be like offering a child a red apple or a thirsty person a glass of cool water and asking, ‘Do you want it’ We should talk about matters of faith in such a manner that people would stretch out their hands for it faster than we can fill them”


Kobra said…
Hey, bro. How are you doing? How's Steve doing? Anyway, when will you guys know where you are going to end up?

Anonymous said…
That's a good quote.

I read the last fifteen or so chapters of Jeremiah today, and said, "Sheesh! I'll never complain about my ministry again!" That guy really had a lousy job!

If only I could stick with that promise...
Anonymous said…
When will you all get back to "the fort"?
Kobra, we find out where we go on call day, April 26. Steve is sticking around for an STM though.
Joe, I really liked the quote because its a reminder of how justification is practically applied to how we live and view others.
We are currently back in the Fort! Btw, black adder, who are you?

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