Crumbs from my Master's Table

A new hymn to go along with this Sunday's Gospel reading:

Crumbs from my Master’s Table
Text: Joshua V. Schneider
Tune suggestion: LSB 915 “Today Your Mercy Calls Us” (Anthes)
Meter: 76 76 D

1. Crumbs from my Master’s Table
Are truly all I need
No lavish feast is able
To free my soul indeed.
Lord, break this sin’s oppression
Lord, take Your child to You
That we with glad expression
May serve and honor You.

2. My heart with hunger yearning
A taste of mercy seeks
I felt Your back was turning
As tears ran down my cheeks
But then You showed your favor!
Your countenance did shine
At once I knew my Savior,
Your grace was truly mine!

3. My faith clings to no other
Than Jesus Christ my Lord.
God’s Son became my brother
My life with God restored.
He came with God’s forgiveness
My sins all to erase
This Lord and host so gracious
Prepared for me a place.

4. Kneel at the Master’s Table,
His feast before you spread
Our Lord alone is able
To feed you heavenly bread
In hand and mouth He’s given
His body and His blood,
Flows from His side once riven
This highest heavenly food.

5. Your grace is overflowing
My heart is satisfied
My deepest hunger knowing
You bowed your head and died.
Your life for ours was given,
Oh Extraordinary Gift!
We praise our Lord now risen,
Our anthems to you lift!

Δ 6. Praise Father, Son, and Spirit
To God the Three-in-One
Your grace we now inherit
Through Christ the Blessed Son!
All praise and loud thanksgiving
Your Name in glory rests
For all your grace has given,
To all your mercy blessed!


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